The Fletcher Program

Founded in 2015, we work in Cleveland, TN and the surrounding areas to empower young people so that they may empower their community.

Our Programs


Our Basic Fletcher Program focuses on skills development for both boys and girls. We teach home skills, automotive/vehicle skills, outdoors skills, and agricultural skills (specifically gardening and beekeeping). 


Our advanced programming, Andor, was built to empower young men through character building and skill development.

Young men today are growing up in Fatherless America, lacking a positive male influence. This results in increased aggression, juvenile delinquency, substance abuse, and lower levels of academic engagement. We aim to counter this trend by providing our boys with a strong character, life skills, and a positive identity. Find out how you can help.

The Passage to Manhood

The passage to manhood is like a pyramid/ladder.

Without the foundational support of mentors and the consistency and accountability that they provide there would be no passage. This journey is one that requires a dedicated guide.

The first step the boys take is they are given a new definition of success. The mentors that come in to their lives show them that they don’t have to be MVP of the NBA to be a success, they can be successful if they are able to provide stability in a home or work at a craft they are talented in.

Next, we arm the boys with life skills. Teaching them basics of everything from outdoor survival to how to change a tire to the value of respect. Life skills help the boys gain the knowledge they need to be successful in manhood.

After the boys are armed with skills and decide what their definition of success is, they are able to find the purpose for their lives. Purpose drives them to break free from family baggage and society’s lowered expectations for their lives.

Then we empower them. We remind them that they can achieve their dreams if they work hard enough. With this final step, these boys are able to achieve success and break out of the cycle of generational poverty.

A Look at Our Programming

  • Weekly character building classes at Boys and Girls Club of Cleveland units
  • Daily skill programming with community mentors skilled in the area
  • Campouts and special events on weekends to provide new enriching experiences

Become a Mentor!

If you’d like to know more about how you can volunteer to help mentor kids in the Fletcher program, enter your name and phone number in the form below and someone will contact you soon!