Maybe Woody Allen Was Right

80% of Success *IS* Just Showing Up

Starting over is always difficult.
Just recently we received a message from one of our unit directors. Someone had alerted her that a 1st Grader in the area had already missed seven days of school because her parents’ job schedules were making it difficult to pick the daughter up from school on time. To make matters worse, the parents had no one to reach out to for help because they were new to the area. They didn’t even have a permanent place to call home yet. Turns out the parents had endured a rough start to their marriage and family and had relocated to try and get their lives and family back on track. Mostly, they just wanted to do what was right for their child.
Situations like these can seem so overwhelming … almost hopeless. But there is always hope.
The Unit Director reached out to the father and made arrangements for the girl to be part of our BGCOR bus route, knowing this would help keep both parents working and help them in their efforts to get back on their feet. Once the father heard that we also feed the kids and saw how excited his daughter was to come to the club, he broke down in tears. In his words, he was overwhelmed by “what a blessing a place like the boys and girls club is.”
That Club was there because our amazing donors help ensure that our doors remain open.

It’s true: When school’s out, Clubs are IN, because we know that open doors mean opportunities for a better future — a GREAT FUTURE — for that little girl and many others just like her!
If you’ve ever wondered whether or not your gift is (or, perhaps, would) making a difference in the lives of Ocoee Region children, rest assured: it is making (and will make)a tremendous difference.

If you want to know more about the ways your money is impacting our kids’ lives, why not call (523-559-8299) today and schedule a tour of one of our units nearest you. It’ll give you a chance to see firsthand the difference you are making!