These programs are designed to foster creativity in young people, and give them outlets for self-expression. From photography to hip-hop, our arts programs have something that will inspire everyone.

Age 6-18
DramaMatters Afterschool is a drama education program for Clubs that encourages members ages 6 to 18 to engage in hands-on activities. Drama education builds self-confidence, sparks creativity and boosts academic achievement.

All Ages
MusicMakers inspires young people to produce music, and to create their life’s soundtrack.

Age 6-18
ImageMakers is a year-round program that helps Club members ages 6-18 learn the art and science of photography through multiple categories: Culture and Tradition, Portraits, Nature and Surroundings, Fashion and Style, and Editing and Filter. Photographs are displayed at local and regional exhibits around the world.

Age 6-18
This year-round program encourages artistic expression among Club members ages 6 to 18 through drawing, painting, printmaking, collage, mixed media and sculpture displayed at local and regional exhibits.

Age 6-18
The National Photography Program enables youth to develop their creativity and cultural awareness through the appreciation of photography.