These programs are designed to ensure that all Club members graduate from high school on time, ready for a post-secondary education and a 21st-century career.

Age 6-18
Power Hour: Making Minutes Count provides Club professionals with the strategies, activities, resources and information to create an engaging homework help and tutoring program that encourages Club members of every age to become self-directed learners.

Age 13-18
CareerLaunch prepares teens for the world of careers and work. Through CareerLaunch, Club teens 13-18 years old embark on a journey to explore possible vocations, make sound educational decisions and find success in the world of work.

Age 16-18
My Future lets Boys & Girls Club members of all ages use computers, smartphones, and tablets to play, learn, and socialize. So it’s a digital version of the stuff that makes Club great.

Age 13-18
Money Matters promotes financial responsibility and independence among Club members ages 13 to 18. Participants learn how to manage a checking account, create a budget, save and invest, start small businesses and pay for college.