Showing 6 Result(s)

Congratulations, Todd Farrell!

2023 Tennessee Hall of Fame Inductee Todd Farrell started his service with Boys & Girls Clubs more than 15 years ago while managing an M&M Mars manufacturing company in Tennessee (where he was responsible for producing every Twix candy bar in the world!). Todd’s first volunteer work with Boys & Girls Clubs of the Ocoee …

Polk County Kicks Off 2022 Holiday Season with “Countdown to Christmas” Banquet

As the very first event hosted in the brand new Sutton-Hooker Unit Gymnasium, Polk County’s Annual Dinner Banquet—now in it’s 11th year—featured a children’s choir singing Christmas songs, beautifully decorated Christmas trees, Youth of the Year speeches, and a record-breaking live auction that treated the crowd to several bidding wars. In addressing the crowd, Holly …

BGCOR Wins Big at State Awards Ceremony

Boys & Girls Clubs of America and the Tennessee Area Council recently awarded Boys & Girls Clubs of the Ocoee Region with five of the highest awards given across the state. Board and Staff members representing Boys & Girls Clubs from across the state of Tennessee come together each year to attend a state wide Tennessee …

New Year’s Resolution Planning

For many people, the new year is the perfect time for resolutions. Although common resolutions include losing weight or saving money, choosing to have your will drafted or updated is another great resolution! Here are a few things to consider: 1. Analyze your financial situation Make a comprehensive list of your assets and debts, so …

2021 Year End Giving Strategies

For many reasons 2021 is another year to reflect upon. While you may want to forget many things aboutit, you should keep in mind from a charitable perspective that 2021 has extended several uniquecharitable giving options that will expire at the end of the year. The Consolidated Appropriations Act (CAA) extended numerous provisions contained in …

George Thomas: 2020 Board Member of the Year!

George Thomas has been a facilities engineer for a long time. But even with all of his advanced planning, analysis, and logistics skills, he couldn’t possibly have known that his volunteering to create a lottery ping-pong ball machine for a fundraising event would lead to such a consuming passion to help kids in Meigs County, …